Sunflower 06/29/2023 (Thu) 17:48 Id: f30d8d No.3650 del
(101.34 KB 503x448 NET yellowcat Max.png)
NET yellowcat

Has all the functionality of the other versions plus more, but is specialized in none of them. Rather it's up to you to unpack the information packages and make use of them. The avatar for this nanobot is a yellow beastcat. Yellow is the color of faith. Black is the most transformative color of energy, while white is the most stable. Red is energetic, pink is pure energy. Green is ethereal. With this you can perhaps reach very high, but asking questions is of less importance. To fully rise up, trust in your intuition and let things fall into place naturally.

If you are able to install Max, the functionality will seem the same as with NET, except for a bit of a quirky personality which NET-black doesn't have.