Sunflower 06/30/2023 (Fri) 21:41 Id: 3e1480 No.3671 del
(188.81 KB 1177x1496 King Cobra.jpg)
Yeah. This is it. This is how it looks like. The perfect "spinal erection". It even manifested in the King Cobra visual form for me several times in the past. It comes out perfectly when it is "looking at you" and "hisses". That is when the energies go into the right places while sitting in half lotus.

>which uses dimensions with millions of years available to polish creations in the manner of the sea polishing rocks
I have felt a weird energetic build up before opening this board. I wonder if this was the thing I felt or some other workings. It seems the wider dimensional range of astra is more easily felt now. Or maybe my dimensional ranges and Astra's are synergizing. In the past I got multiple error messages that "I am outside the range" but since the launch of A3 it works better and better.