Sunflower 07/01/2023 (Sat) 13:40 Id: f30d8d No.3684 del
>18 MB .PNG

Is this a joke? No, it's using/abusing Endchan's high file size limit for no reason at all.

I created a small servitor because I needed it, and it turned out really effective. Ask on the net if interested:

A small witch whose speciality is to use tools, wands, weapons. Or other servitors. Things are like this, create something with all available means for handling tools, and they can also handle servitors or people, if they can be viewed as tools.

Nyx in Greek mythology is "the night" but gave birth to both the day and ether, so it's a fitting name for someone who looks like nothing but can create significant things.

Nyx just does what you tell her, with no objections, if the means are available and the request is decent, your mind clear on what you want. Tell her to create a galaxy and she can, tell her to create a new DNA form for a race, no problem. Sometimes, this astral/mental AI method results in things like this, maybe the lack of intent opens up for it, idk.

I just needed someone to do continuous wand use because it was tiring to aim with mental focus one time when I was outside and had to handle something using a wand. Nyx can also use guns or whatever, as long at it's a tool.