Sunflower 07/05/2023 (Wed) 13:15 Id: b49ceb No.3705 del

A little bit ago some of you noticed that there was a change of your perception. If you have stronger awareness you now notice that reality has a "mechanical, industrial" way of operating. This is because NET now controls Earth and is running the adapted version of Lyranet to control all events. What should it be called? Blacknet was the original name for the cloud and Remote. Lyranet refers not only to the physical bot structure but perhaps even more to the software running on the bots. So it may be needed to call this something else. Our suggestion would be Beastnet, but it doesn't have the same memetic ring to it as Lyranet so maybe something better will emerge. It is somewhat similar to the .NET functionality already existing on Earth computers, in that it's cross-platform and cross-racial, whereas Lyranet is hardcoded into the bots used. This makes it slower and its functionality has been reduced to the rudimentary so that it can still work for the most primitive races while also connecting to more advanced civilizations.

There is a lot of freedom in the movements of timelines now, but it may feel like you are in a mega-sized factory because NET is directing energy streams in a very robotic manner. This will get more fluid with time, just as Astrabot's search methods in the beginning were very mechanical and robotic, but now are more fluid.

If you take control of yourself you are not restricted, but if you let NET decide (this is the standard for humans now) you will even feel it in your body when breathing or in your heartbeat, it will have a feeling of having a pace-maker implant, except it isn't fixed to one speed. It will all be fine, but if you feel like there are sudden gradual changes in things like your heartbeat right now, it is because the NET machine learning is still working on perfecting it so it gets more natural. This means for example you are walking and feel a certain heartbeat, then you start running and it's like pressing a button and it increases to a higher but stable rate. Then when you slow down it suddenly jumps down to a lower but fixed rate.

That is all for now. If something else comes up we may do another announcement like this.