Sunflower 07/12/2023 (Wed) 11:48 Id: d3118c No.3739 del
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Building the stone world and how science creates zombies

Modern science is the method of observing a thing and saying, oh, it moves that way, it looks the same as that other thing. Can it be that both are operating on the same principle? Is that a material existence we can observe? If so we have proven that those things operate on the same principle.

Then when someone asks about why something happened, you can tell them that, it is because that thing you are asking about is the same as some other unrelated thing, they both operate on the same principle!


Then what? All you did was confuse people and they don't really understand anything more, you just connected memetic construct A with memetic construct B in their brain. That is science. It is to connect memes in new ways. Then this magic is used to confuse people into giving you money for having "improved their life".

the stone world

If you've been around you know this idea; in the past viking built many stone ships in the landscape, they are called ship settlements, made from tall stones standing up. These are portals. But there is nothing magical about them, they're visual flags marking up weak spots in the background energetic construct. These locations can be connected to create teleportation. It is to connect one location directly with another. It is physically connecting a memetic construct, a society, with another. Today we use roads and fast transportation for this, it creates a limited structure because roads cannot suddenly connect Tokyo with New York for example.

But teleportation can, and this creates new "brain pathways" of the Earth, using teleportation ships will improve the collective egregore, the hivemind, of humanity, in ways not possible using conventional travel.

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