Sunflower 07/16/2023 (Sun) 12:47 Id: d3118c No.3746 del
Two more weeks...

Funny how synchronities work. This painting "Isle of the Dead" is describing the universal creator cube of the Nomor alien race, also known on Earth as Skinwalkers or to the Greys as Terror Bringers. They have 6 eyes and are usually seen wearing black body armour and a gun. They appear in large ships which appear as clouds in the sky because their technology cannot fully manifest here. This is the same race talked of in that screencap collection seen on /x/.

A more popularized representation of them is the Predator from the movie with the same name. The character is pretty similar but they don't work alone, they come in 100s or 1000s at once and they possess human bodies. They select people based on their sins and rip their souls out to replace them. Then they use the population to play wargames and exercise their sadistic tendencies. They also study anthropology and develop their technology which is based around dendrograms to plan their operations, handheld devices are their technology core, the ships are little more than flying hangars.

To refresh the memory:

This was before their first silent invasion in this period when they cleared many degenerated human souls. They are now preparing the 2nd invasion, with an intent of taking a more expressive approach.

In aid of this, I was working to create a bodily form which works better for them here, a more humanoid and less monster-y form. I went to look for a fitting image for this post and among the latest entries was that cake, showing the general form of their technology core device, but in touhou style.