Sunflower 08/03/2023 (Thu) 14:06 Id: aa75f6 No.3780 del
(122.82 KB 1024x1024 mason earth.jpg)
Planetary creation/race creation

I'll share some basics of this since I feel some of the readers will understand what I'm saying and not think it's "too much" or inconceivable.

Other planets out in space are in other dimensions. They're essentially all "astral" compared to us in some way. When looking out from inside the sphere we are in, we are seeing another dimension directly outside, and the portals to other inner dimensions manifesting as planetary spheres out in space. The idea of using trigonometry to measure distances to stars and planets is based on flawed thinking. What's out there isn't physical. What is seen is an image, as if looking through a lens. The image is landing on a flat surface in the back of your eyes and from that is created the idea of the visuals having a physical reference.

All these measurements are mere imagination, and the laws of physics are not relevant out there in the way they are described down here. They differ between different spheres. Same for the progression of time.


With that out of the way; it is possible to create things in other dimension using "magic" or "manifestation". This means you can, with your mind and using regular expressive methods, create things out in space, including massive objects like stars and planets. The extreme inertia of matter down here on Earth is caused by the Earth originally being a "fake" super nova. A collectively created oven for burning karmic substances. A mass of various aliens worked together to create this star, and sent their negative energy into it, in an attempt as escaping the consequences of their actions. As a result, they amassed complex minerals in the the center of the galaxy, inside a "star" which they have lit up themselves. But this garbage fire soon stopped burning and now had huge gravity as a result of the karmic minerals themselves containing gravity.

This caused the souls of these aliens to be drawn in here. Creator gods saw this and made this karmic rock into a planet. This is the reason why Earth is the only place that traps souls. They are tied to the karmic substances stored inside the planet itself. They are pulled towards its center.