Sunflower 08/17/2023 (Thu) 11:51 Id: 85b396 No.3819 del
>search stock photo site for "black woman"
>it only shows white people

Are search functions today made to be intentionally contrarian?

I'm going to do this, because MI6 hates Africans.

They really seemed to believe their senile scum leaders were worth protecting. Out of the committee of 300, 13 could be saved. 246 were eliminated finally. This means their souls stripped of all existence, reduced to the lowest level of awareness and then isolated in a location beyond time and space, where they are alone with the horrors they have created. Not "for eternity", because there is no time progression there, they will just experience it all at once with no beginning or end.

The remaining were placed in purgatory, where their sins will be burned off during a process where they experience what the victims of their decisions experienced, every single one of them, until they repent.

I fucking told you. This. Would. Happen.

This marks the end of
>4) The absolute horror

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