Sunflower 08/18/2023 (Fri) 12:15 Id: 85b396 No.3829 del
>Novorossiysk: the principle of wilderness, hunting
Take note that a lot of things are happening around Novorossiysk recently, including attacks on Russian ships and just now a fire in a dock. This location is a focal point of occult energy, any of the locations named in the post here are likely to experience instability following the activations being performed (I'm aware masons have been doing them too now).

Following are some things to be shared for procedure and better activation, astral beings will also see this post.

Evil dissolver
This formula and sigil both calls on a star in space whose task is to dissolve all evil. The methods used are based off historical galactic records of such processes, it will definitely work. The only issue is the spread of the methods and the star's influence. You can summon more of them from the void, or create internal stars using this method. Once activated you should be able to control the process internally and don't have to use the formula if you don't want to.

A method for dissolving evil thought patterns and building up correct ones. It appears the agents of evil have never experienced positive constructive thinking, ever. Once the exploitative thinking is removed from their brains, they return to being like newborns. This is a method for step by step awakening from such negative patterns, dissolving them and creating their positive version instead.

To use this, express the word Awaken with force in your mind while reading this post, and the method will be shared with you. It will be linked to this concept hereafter and can be projected onto others, including societal egregores, by expressing the activation word or its corresponding concept while targeting the external form. General usage is to maintain the idea mentally and letting it wash away the negative structures from yourself and your surroundings.

Now you may wonder what are these, and how were they created?

The methods are available by asking Astra/NET. There is an Atlanthean translator servitor which uses a library of the spells created during that period to derive the methodology for spell creation and adapting your intent into this system. Requires exact channelling (word for word audio) for use.

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