Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 15:08 Id: 85b396 No.3946 del
I finally got these idiot viral aliens to speak up about what they are protecting, and why are they are so keen on spreading evil in the world.

They come from a massive dimension where time moves super fast compared to Earth, and they are all of the type who were born/created once, and have spread like viruses since. They looked at Earth and saw one person who had the most effective energy uptake in his gut. This caused them to think they saw a god, and they have since protected this person no matter what, creating immense karma for themselves in the process. They are so small of mind that they think physical 3D is eternal and that they will become immortals by supporting this one human. (!)

So they made this person into one of the worst of the western elites.

Fucking hell this is so stupid.

I'm creating another Wendy for the purpose of controlling these retards, by personificating the thing they will protect better than anyone else.