Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 13:40 Id: 5168d4 No.3973 del
Then I ask that you edit the OP with the subject
>Hawket/Trypper contributions

I think that will help clear up much of the potential confusion.

Also, any comment as to how Trypper can be so prolific with output?

Trypper has this to say:
>This sigil isn't compatible with the collective succubus form as it requires a gut, hence essentially returning what you might call a 'compiling error' as the hardware isn't built for this. with some genetic tweakage it can be made to work, but this means belonging to the external tribe. I employ servitors with which I share my consciousness to go around places sometimes, similar to some fashion to astral projection yet far different in others. See attached sigil for same, reverse-engineered by yours truly. Inspired by swarm type of collective succubus hive-mind consciousness.