Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 17:51 Id: 4fca4b No.3984 del
A few points:

When you walk out in public, you are likely the only, or one of the few, humans who has a soul. This means they are manifested there for you specifically. Timelines that are not populated are not running like a machine, that would waste the Earth's resources. If no soul is present, the animals, plants and humans (NPCs) are only algorithms, they don't exist as we see them. The moment someone enters this space, a maintenance deity will update the situation based on the algorithm and the environment will have progressed according to the laws of nature to match what it would look like to you, had it been in constant progress. If you are not at the mall, it's just a few formulas and inventory lists in the notebook of a maintenance deity. It is manifested and expanded when you enter the building.

So that means the humans you meet in there are (most likely) there specifically for you. They are all there to either serve physically or to teach you something.

With this mindset, let's look at the situation:

>a beggar offered to buy me stuff and also offered to let me take one or some of his trinkets. I refused, so he insisted in a loud voice, and I insisted yet again
You should not accept things for "free" from strangers for no reason. Maybe if you had taken something, later this beggar would show up at your house and make a scene, telling your dad that you took things from his street stand and has yet to pay.

>while in a supermarket, two people were smiling at me, one of them an employee offering free samples of instant coffee, and one of them remarked 'The bridegroom has arrived'.
This situation is safe. An employee offering a product sample is a good opportunity for social interaction, and to learn something. You should have accepted it and made some small talk. The comment on you being the bridegroom (depending on if this has some cultural meaning I'm lacking) would be treated as a compliment because you look smartly dressed, so they were trying to put you in a good mood to overcome the social distance. As merchants they were just trying to get you hooked on their goods, but there is no reason to not accept a free sample.

Think about the possible motivation of the people who make contact with you. Is there an "official reason", then it's safe. The free food sample is safe. Then go along with it.