Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 19:39 Id: 6b03b1 No.3997 del
I just remembered that episode from xxxHolic when they went to a girl who had an unhealthy forum addiction and it started to ruin her life and she asked help in that. That was the least magical but the best example how you can overcome addictions.

>As far as the goddess goes
Now about that... huh this will be a hard one to word.
Your "mundane worship" is so weak it's almost pointless.
>because i personally felt too unworthy and too consumed by stuff and knew she wouldn't be alright with someone like that
Something like that yes.

>i came back to worship and serve her around last year and never stopped praying/worshipping her every night
That is good but you need to get into the "proper mindset".
So instead of praying to her try to "talk to her" extremely "sincerely". The first words that come to your mind while thinking about what you want to really say to her or talk to her about. You must not use your misconceptions as some foundation to stand on but instead of learn to be in the "air" or presence which is "front of her" or try to remember how it felt when she appeared and as you hold that feeling try to talk to her. You need to realize how you connect to her.

>more times during the day
It's the quality that matters and not the quantity. But try anything that you feel might work. I know they are around you but you didn't manage to properly manifest it IRL and it is hard to feel outside of dreams and other coincidental events.


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