Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 20:43 Id: 5d87d8 No.4002 del
Book works. Summonable and giant.
>considered a work in progress and a prototype
Yes it feels like that. I get diagrams and texts but needs some mental synching to comprehend but it works. Do you want this as your magnum opus? Or is it a research material for you. Tho it feels as both.

>make it a 'Hawket containment
That is a good idea your sigils and energies needs a way to be stabilize. Since that experiment sigil of yours energies go all around. Also if you might please share your newfounded perspective that you gained from that experiment sigil >>3878 please. That thing was way too complex and the Trypper that posted couldn't comprehend it fully and because of that I couldn't get it's "full form". But it advanced my energetic movements (Overall a positive change but I have to get used to it and it's not without hiccups)
>not get lost in long discussion threads
What I gathered most fed tech have hard time materializing thanks to the excess residual energies earth have.

Also the Gut is the bacterial and the "corpse" kingdom. I think it is something only those need to focus truly that truly want to stay here and help things.
>inner' volcano

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