Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 20:58 Id: 85b396 No.4005 del
>Wendy(body guard)
I think I finally get it now, how these come to happen. When I made her, the cogwheel module itself was already provoking the breakthrough to happen by merely existing, it just took a bit for the opposing forces to gather so they could be defeated once and for all in their central location. While the doll form exists in its original version still, it lead to the creation of a personal avatar made on the same theme. This one has sharp metallic horns and is taller, wearing different clothes and seems to have now also developed a spade demon tail.

It seems, dimensions do weird stuff.

Pic related.

The problem is reaching the central position in each level, that is where it counts for you. But what is a minor thing for you, can inspire the central awakening in others, and vice versa.