Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 21:50 Id: 6b03b1 No.4013 del
>entire time i thought you were orb
My creative writing and spiritual advice giving is getting better. My wording and editing was far worse before. I am still not on his level tho.

Mostly the trail of vampire threads led me here.

>him saying "Do what your heart feels is right"
J-man gave you his blessing then. Your path is accepted. (I too didn't feel any energy that would say otherwise)

>yes, she is. she still has me do bible study with her
That's kinda good then. She will have a stabilizing and grounding effect of you. In the spiritual the worse thing that can happen when we loose our footing because we forgot where we came from. As you walk on the path you might be able to notice hidden things in the Bible.

>manifest or rather i became(?) her because my mind voice changed completely
Yes that is what you need to reach and understand. Don't just get overtaken by it. Merge with it. Because getting "overtaken" and "blanking out" is not the way. Merge or unify.
>weird battlelust

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