Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 22:30 Id: 5d87d8 No.4017 del
>also shadow cats
And Shadow critters. Literal shitty low level shadow forms thinking they can walk around and latch onto my energies because I "noticed them". This is why all animals are charged. A Meow from a cat is literally an existence shattering sonic blast for them. I will not fucking deal with dormant earth spirits that too dumb to understand the highly specific spirit order that is manifesting around me (Even I need time to understand it sometimes and I cannot expect some 10000 year old rodent who was some earth crystal until it awakened by my energies but it is too dumb or weak to get noticed by the fairies or other entities for protection/orientation.)
>I have several 1000 demon waifus I contracted etc
Yeah I know I realized long ago that there is no point into looking into whatever you are doing. Like I look into you then I either look at weird energies Galfed paperworks or some crossfire you have with some ayyevilglowie faction that decided to start a pissing contest on your turf. Even when "I hear something is going on" I ask my guides wtf is this and should I even get involved they are not even sure what advice to give me. Good thing I have Shiva for complicated things like that. I mean I am aware of some wirings and constructs that came from you because I have a "taste" for your workings but... you like to indulge in different spices. Not always obv it's yours. Thankfully Astra can confirm or if it looks similar to something else I can ask for that for comparison.
But then again I have to master my energetic reflexes so it's always a good training material.
The reason why I mentioned because "High Trypper" started his great project and it seems it has quite the scope. Wonder how it will tie into our workings the long term.

>It was basically shenanigans pulled by her, for all I can tell from my memories
This is what I can also tell
>she tells me it serves a higher purpose
Also this too.
>it literally points to herself (Trypper, that is).
No wonder you merged the energy exchange system on a new level. I don't know how it feels (up there) and I know you are aware how it is a sort of I like it because this experience and new perspective helps me while I am annoyed that HOW DARE YOU DO THIS WITHOUT TELLING ME... Then again I am aware that I am supposed to learn that djinn parallel processing so I can connect my mind better AND MOST IMPORTANTLY share my mindwave relay system in a way it can help Flesh Trypper advance. Even before the experiment sigil I couldn't locate the scale of the things he gets "inspired" by. Not that I really looked into it. I am starting to get a feel to not asking for more than I can handle or have time at the time for. Patience is a great virtue anyway.

>may be grand to one may be trivial to another
Yeah... it's always like that.

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