Sunflower 08/25/2023 (Fri) 18:28 Id: d21689 No.4022 del
(109.55 KB 313x234 Eris 022.png)
Truth is in 2020 I wanted Biden "win". Not because I supported him but what the leftist and globohomo NGO's did was ridiculous and wanted to see how they will "solve" the shit they caused. Trump murdered millions because he didn't close up the entire country and enacted martial law on day 1. Covid is the deadliest disease in history but you are immune if you go to a BLM protest. Every leftist was an anti vaxer back then because Trump started the warp speed and I WILL NOT TAKE THE TRUMP VACCINE NO MATTER WHAT. And ofc we had a cure on the day Biden got sworn into the white house. Then the OMG DON'T WEAR MASKS POOR PUBLIC HEALTH WORKERS WILL DIE COZ U WEARING ONE then OMG U KILL US IF YOU DON'T WEAR MASKS INDOORS. BLM burning down cities was "liberating" while Jan 6 was a terrorist act.
After this I wanted to see how the media will spin things if a demented corpse rules the country.
We are in the greatest recession and I cannot imagine how a journalist can still live and do his job without a daily mental breakdown. The media not just reached satire levels but went beyond it.
Oh and I almost forgot how Democrats were always the anti-war and pacifist party. But then again even they want to cut america in half now.

Currently I am unable to imagine Trump not winning. Democrats managed to not find a single likable candidate so far. It's a joke. At least getting a double that can pretend to be a dementia patient is not hard. Wonder if this is what is the "current play".

also today I just heard that
>Doctors warn of three new red flag Covid symptoms caused by Eris strain of virus
>Eris is thought to cause symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat and headache.
>symptoms of shortness of breath, loss of smell and fever are no longer likely.

AND THEY NAMED THIS ERIS??? This is an insult.

Oh but no worries we have already a VAX against it. Wonder just how many will take it. Even this year people just stopped giving a shit and even the media said how vials of the vaxx had to be thrown out because it expired.

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