Sunflower 08/26/2023 (Sat) 20:08 Id: 6fb0fd No.4043 del
>MC is a vending machine
Dropped it when he made coke rockets and started selling condoms, it was a nice idea but it only lasted one episode before it was worn out...

It's ok and the one room hero, but it's symptomatic of this season overall: first one is literally a game adapted to anime with zero creativity (no kemono friends here, this was the game it was based off: [Embed] ), and the second is constantly referencing past battles, but in reality the hero has retired and is living with the reincarnated demon lord who is now a demon loli. It's like everyone just gave up, there are no more stories to tell, like "Last days of disco" - everyone is either sick, dead or just tired. [Embed]