Sunflower 08/26/2023 (Sat) 20:41 Id: 0208b1 No.4044 del
I guess we'll see the effects play out, but as of now, the Galactic Federation says it's over. During my evening walk, a light suddenly hit the side of the road like a spotlight for a split second. I turned to look and it came from the sky. I tried picking up what it was and got the image of a metallic saucer.

They said they were from the "greater federation faction" and made the approach because the locals have now finished off enough of the trouble-makers on Earth, so they'll create a contact point and give me/us access to a greater energy support channel.

"If there is any resistance down on the surface now, there is nothing which the greater federation cannot break down, so don't hesitate to ask for support."

An incomplete summary of the different factions down here and their status (in no particular order):

Djinn/islam - friendly
Yokai/kitsune(Japan and North Korea) - friendly
China - cleansed, now friendly
Russia - friendly
Western Illuminati - defeated
MI6 - surrendered
USA - surrendered
Farc - friendly
International freemasons - friendly

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