Sunflower 08/26/2023 (Sat) 22:15 Id: 995a55 No.4051 del
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>They left you with a pathworking way but for that you have to use your companion soul status to become conscious enough to use the power from your "weapon system". Humans can become living weapons. Those humans usually called as Mages.
I'm assuming that's one of the reasons i've always gravitated towards magic based classes/systems in rpgs and such

>I tried to look into that "yandere" mentality and it does not come from you because you are human as of now and your soul journey so far turned you into a properly functioning human from the please don't leave me alone companion soul long ago.
i see. well, i don't really mind the yandere mentality but... i understand how being like that here would cause problems so i'd typically restrain myself

So as a pathworking what you need to do. Find your highest human form. Something like the Mage but don't worry the gods and sisters will guide you. Realize your true free will and 100% consent. Then you will be able to go into the deepest parts of your "weapon doll" self and disconnect that built in weapon system and connect to some ascension module that your guides will probably provide. It will be like selling a gun to buy a car. The ascension module is even more dangerous than the weapon module but it can be used to travel instead of just killing others. (Cars statistically cause more deaths than guns but guns are banned at most places and seen as a tool for murder while cars are just transporting mechanisms even tho they still explode and can kill instantly at the wrong hands. But if you use it for that then your driver license will be taken away. And you need to pass a test to even get that license. You need to prove that you are enlightened enough to be attached to a force like that.)

I tried to look into that "yandere" mentality and it does not come from you because you are human as of now and your soul journey so far turned you into a properly functioning human from the please don't leave me alone companion soul long ago.
>>4037 (you)
>i remember being sealed in a room for a bit with a talisman over the door
Yeah that was your weapon soul doll.

You were sealed because if you are in a doll you count as an illegal weapon if you go beyond "self defense". Not just you get into trouble but everyone who possessed you. I couldn't even go into your full self defense capabilities because it is very intricate and they told me that You are not a weapon you are a nice human now ;) . It was a kind of hint that I must also recognize that nothing fishy is going on here.
ah, okay. it did scare me admittedly when it happens. but it is good to know it's nothing like me being some kind of inherent evil or anything since i don't really care for torturing others or anything like that

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