Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 10:08 Id: 0208b1 No.4058 del
The sigil attached above is for inspiring the breakthrough to a dimension below and behind all known existence. Some may call it demonic, some will think it's negative.

Being demonic or negative is not itself bad, there has to be a balance. You will use this as you like, but recommended procedure would be to use proper sitting and perform a breathing exercise with some of the yogic locks to concentrate energy in the lower half of the body, then separating the force by the abdomen to press it in both directions for a complete opening of both bodily poles.

The sigil is adapted to be used with this thread open, you can stare at it and recall it after leaving the screen, but it is not recommended to move it from this context, as it is the final phase after the purifying procedures posted earlier have been performed, which are energetically repeated as the page is open.