Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 12:22 Id: 6fb0fd No.4063 del
>'stigma of the fallen'
I looked at it, wondering why the chaos part would disconnect the other two. Couldn't grasp it so I summoned a cat-vampire to show me. It's "worse than imagined" but not surprising, considering what I have learned recently. The chaos port here is to go down the path of "cattle-breeding" but internally. A person can connect and use his tantric energy externally or internally. When used externally this chaos port creates the humanity which is made up like cattle, and this race will walk the path of destruction, it cannot be salvaged. But as a race, it dies slowly. The process is irreversible.

When the vampire does this internally, the very soul is ripped apart, and this is also irreversible. But the vampire also dies slowly, so it is not directly evident what will happen. Relating to what I have posted about just before, it may take a time period long as the life of more than one galaxy for the final damnation of this soul to manifest. During this time, the vampire may spread this practice and get many followers, all whom are now unsalvageable and walking downward to the location of separation of awareness and matter.

It can be easily avoided by the development of internal force, which on this board is referred to as the zero particle or true gong.

- In part channelled from said vampire