Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 18:22 Id: 5d87d8 No.4097 del
>also short circuits karma instantly
Yeah happened several times. At least I am having a better feeling for not fucking things up when it happens.
>I've caused 3 meteors in the past few years because of this.
I had a lesson about meteors and how they burn then punch through dimensions and how they need to burn real fast to turn into the "real thing".
v e r y slooow posting from here coz I am surging the energies again tehehe.
>Well at least nothing broke
I'm trying!
>it burned a transformer station in my area and I lost power for 2 hours.
some weeks ago I uh... had sex with the storm. Usually I just give command to it how it should behave so it doesn't ruin things but I managed to connect to it so well to my "thunder body" that I felt all the way the clouds open and "create" thunder with all that sudden heat differences and dormant electric currents. It felt so tingly and electric. It was not the orgasm but the way it felt. The clouds the water the lightning felt so earthly. Killed electricity and the internet connections at once at the dumbest places for 2 days.