Sunflower 08/31/2023 (Thu) 21:31 Id: 5d87d8 No.4183 del
In the era of Chuck Norris jokes we had one like this.
Chuck Norris sold his soul to the devil for his powers.
Then roundhouse kicked him in hell until he gave back his soul.
Ever since that they play poker every friday.

>unattainable knowledge
If I can attain it then it isn't unattainable huh? And if I cannot attain it even after they give it to me then I didn't attain the knowledge?
There are funny ways how entities solve trickster mentalities like this after they get tired of the joke

Oh I just remembered an another tale.
There was a village with an evil crone. Everyone hated her and wanted her to be taken away by the devil every day. The devil heard this and appeared.
>You are so hated by everyone so I came to take you to hell
said the devil
The crone replied.
>I have stuff to do today can't you take me tomorrow?
>Sure I can

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