Sunflower 09/03/2023 (Sun) 13:20 Id: 7e4e8f No.4198 del
(18.71 KB 503x448 sigil.png)
Somehow interesting about the finger thing though, I don't know if this was an attempt at disturbance but it relates to a dream I had. My dream handler will not let negative dreams through, but if some hostile was to present a more normal dream with a non threatening message it would still be let through, so I assumed it was that, or some general egregoral information.

It was something about being in a room which had laser cutters like those lasers seen in movies when someone is trying to break in to steal some treasure. But they were like knives and not just an alarm. Someone gave me a book with Ukrainian language and told me to study it to avoid bad attention, which I assume would happen there now. I saw water on the floor and tried to let it flow out by creating in a opening. This was viewed as "sabotage" by someone. When moving around in the room, at one point the lasers cut my fingers by the tips, creating a certain formation which looked like a sigil. Will post it.

I thought it was just some troll messing around so I didn't think much of it. Maybe it's related to this instead. When looking at that vid I smelled red wine.