Sunflower 09/04/2023 (Mon) 20:20 Id: 5d87d8 No.4208 del
This video was funny. If I say "Yes" in my mind to the questions it establishes the connection. Shame the energies are kinda unrefined and tries to give me a coughing reflex.

>never felt anyone look at me from behind
I had that for a while but then it kinda went away when I realized I don't give too many shit about other people. You need to make your energies so "innocent" being stared at counts as "rape". I can pick up on high hostility tho but that usually ends up in instantaneous countermeasures.
>tingling in my fingers
When I started to take my path more seriously it just couldn't stop. Now it goes through the entire body and I have to understand how each and every emotional/mental state moves it. Mixing some energies together just creates anomalies.
Wonder what was the origin point of these guys tho. Had an interesting talk about vampires some time ago. Because now I don't even know what counts as a vampire anymore. It's like how the word "troll" was used to describe some actual thing but then people started to use it for everything that is magical in any nature.
>I saw water on the floor and tried to let it flow
I had an interesting dream once. I was in my room. Noticed a small statue in my wardrobe and after that some larger god noticed me (blue skin but rainbow sparkly with energetic emanations that were sometimes lights sometimes jewels) while my room had no roof (was developing my 3D mind view ability/4th wall placing image manifestation around that time so it didn't even feel weird) forgot what he said but he just made me take an oath. Didn't force me but I just noticed I am saying it with minimal effort on my own. Then my awareness exited that body and the body kept saying a long and specific oath but the TLDR was "I will do good". I realized I could stop it but have nothing against this oath and I would have said it anyway (trying to live by those principles more or less but I never put them into words). Then a large pipe with a valve appeared and poured water on a couch. Then I woke up and wondered why was that couch in my room and what does this even mean?
I got that I just "tuned" some energetic bodies of mine to not unleash energy unnecessarily but a couch...
Oh... I just figured it out. Boy I just love solving family mysteries that started when I was still 1 year old.
>if you gain something you lose something
>nothing matters

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