Sunflower 09/09/2023 (Sat) 16:19 Id: f205b5 No.4237 del
Taken from #the-creed channel of Aerial Project:

1. Existence is stratified into three layers: Good, Evil and Chaos. We are of the Chaos.

2. Reality is stratified into seven densities. We aim for the fourth, at least for the short term.

3. Objective Truth does not exist; it is a spook. What matters is who said it.

4. The Path is fraught with danger. It is our priority to investigate before we leap.

5. We are made of many parts; we are fragmented threefold: we are not one soul, nor is the tulpa, or lower personality, a truly unified consciousness; it is also the natural state that we may be subject to influences seen and unseen.

6. We operate from an ideology-agnostic base, where other, more closed systems of magic may be adopted as outer layers, or modules.

7. Therefore, we integrate all the systems of magic that we work with in such a way that we can work with them without conflict - internal or external.

8. All units of consciousness may be of benefit. Therefore, we do not shy away from being syncretistic.

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