Sunflower 09/14/2023 (Thu) 17:56 Id: 6b03b1 No.4295 del
>I work 12-16 hours a day
Bruh iktf. People had to die around me for things to change.

>I don't know what to do with my life otherwise
Until you don't figure that out you are fucked. You either start figuring it out asap or you will get a wake the fuck up call soon.
You are in that black muck filth of a swamp and unable to see anything beyond it even tho the higher states are literally front/above you
>intermittently messing with me
You are literally "trying" to believe in anything so you have a reason to keep living but because you cannot see "anything" your focus is absolutely misaligned
Yes you are using your yang side to be a "work drone" and disregard all your yin side which does nothing but tries to keep you "alive".
Fuck sake I literally did the same fucking shit. Can't believe others are as dumb as me here

>Yet today you can not even understand it?

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