Sunflower 09/21/2023 (Thu) 14:12 Id: 9e95d5 No.4329 del
Follow-up on the great pentagram of evil activation

There is another layer on this, with an intricate function, which make up the actual "program" of the system. The pentagram is meant to create "freedom", which means freedom from karma if done right, but in the negative use it means "freedom from the direct effects of karma". So the way it's been used is to protect idiots from the consequences of their idiocy, and this is marketed to the world as "freedom", "liberalism" etc.

Then once you have that, you can start creating "unity". It's the same thing as "yoga", meant to create immortality. But if done in the negative way, it's meant to create it through external science, like the evil boss in a standard anime plot. The hero then shows up with his inborn skills and gains the magic boon before the scientist any way...

That's what we will do here.

Actually it's been done. We just do it in a different way. The hero using his inborn skills within the scientific system instead of merely destroying it, for a final "fuck you" to the evil gang leader.

The actual system connects certain entities, and it's directly related to current events. It starts from Washington DC with its pentagram street layout (just search "washington dc map pentagram" if you don't know what I'm talking about), the next step is the Pentagon which is the inner shape of a pentagram, not very subtle. It then connects the EU and NATO HQs in Brüssels and the NATO bases which are/were based out of Germany (this part seems to have been obfuscated since), and the last step is to connect Ukraine. Energetically, without going into details, connecting Pentagon to eastern Ukraine is the goal here. That means, Ukraine joining NATO. This is the final point of this occult system. Once done, the evil would rule the world forever. Or something. It would at least activate a very negative energy machine. They made one serious mistake here, they put the NATO HQ in Belgium. This comes from their yang natured thinking, I can say this much, not going to explain it all to them, and why this was a major mistake. They should have officially installed NATO in Germany, but this part is like the G-spot, men have trouble locating it and some believe it doesn't exist. So they messed up this bit and now they lack one step in the ladder. This is why they're losing in Ukraine.

I can expose this now because the correct system has already been activated.

That's where the next post comes in.