Sunflower 09/22/2023 (Fri) 09:40 Id: 9e95d5 No.4332 del
Everyone hates this topic, but I guess there is not way around it:

introduction of the black fur beast (male)

Humans originally were white hermaphrodites with six tits. They lived on this planet alongside reptilians for 26000 years, which was the very first period. After this, some culture had established and most of the humans from that period became enlightened to the standard of being human, so they moved into a sphere, a paradise, and have stayed there since. A few of them didn't reach this standard and remained. The galactic federation entered the Earth and stayed during period 2. Technology was developed and different aliens to involved. Humans however, got seduced by false promises from some alien races. They accepted technology which would genetically modify them into two genders, because they saw the reptilians and became jealous. The price of this split was that their souls were split into two, they ended up becoming two individuals, one male and one female, for the first following incarnation.

This story is retold in the bible (Genesis). Humans in the paradise of period 1 were harmonious, but they were seduced by the snake (saw that reptilians had males and females) and discovered sex (genders).

After this, different aliens all got involved and humanity became a free for fall genetic modification farm. Everyone wanted to grab a piece and incarnate on Earth, and it lead to the creation of ethnic groups and races.

Only one of them actually worked, because it overwrote the human DNA entirely, the insertion of vampire DNA. This created Asians, but they are not humans anymore after that. Some reverted to become hivemind apes, and have no souls, but they still have remnants of vampire DNA. Some remain on the edge, with some being human-vampire hybrids, but there is no racial coherence.

Black Africans were created through a combination of lyran DNA and "space African" DNA. This is a very bad combination, the lyran male characteristics are focused on exploration and drug use. It works for them because their females stay at home and do all the "boring research", providing them with new technology and making sure they don't harm themselves. "Space Africans" are an all female witch cult. They are a race who will create genetic copies of themselves and travel through space and time. They want minimum technological development and prefer to live in caves and huts. When these two are made into a race, it will be very disharmonious, with the men frustrated from the lack of new technology, and the women showing no interest in fulfilling this need, but rather being very strictly focused on tradition.

The previous attempt at fixing all races by the creation of race stones, artifacts containing their DNA, lead to only one successful creation, and that one was a "failure"; Africans became an all-female fur beast race. But this was registered by the Earth deities and Gensokyo as a legit and functional human race, while all the other stones cracked. The space Africans, witches, were very harsh about this topic, saying that "black men are a genetic abomination, they shouldn't exist".

They however suggested creating a male version of the black fur beast and handing this out to those black men who still have souls, so that they would be converted to a legit race.

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