Sunflower 09/23/2023 (Sat) 08:43 Id: 9e95d5 No.4346 del
During the night some silly glowies made themselves known, as they always do. Just can't stay away. Last night I even got some of these idiot aliens to admit that they are on the path to hell and that they can't be saved that way, but they still refused to be helped but would rather be thrown down there to pay back their debts by force than doing it voluntarily, even after seeing and understanding that this would happen. How do beings turn out like this?

It seems they see this process as inevitable and just seek doing as much damage to the world as possible before they go. Which of course will make things worse for them, but they still do it knowing this. In "1984" the main character wonders if a person subjected to extreme pain, could wish for this pain to increase. After being tortured by Big Brother he concludes that this is not possible. Yet here we have these alien scum who really are like that, and they infiltrate society in the form of CIA/MI6 and spread ideology which aims to make other people do this same thing. They want everyone to increase their own misery as much as possible, and that is all. They won't escape it themselves, and they know it, it's all pointless and they still do this. And these are "sentient beings". Trying to follow the bodhisattva standard isn't easy when this is what we're facing. I'm sure this is just a "puzzle" for me to solve though. There is some way to trick these assholes into saving themselves and others, if just ignoring all the taboos on how this saving will be performed.

I also found these concrete walls on the human collective mind plane, created by CIA to make it impossible to break US law. To solve this I sent out a landscape artist super nova suit, which will silently enter people's minds and make them wear this mindset, so they start breaking down these walls. Look at the area of "Roe vs Wade" which was taken down by Trump's voters, and you can see a trench system having been completely blown up by Mormon prayer. Because christianity also has the ability to do this with prayer if it's intense enough, you don't need CIA manuals for this if you just gather enough force.

I also sent out something more, but in an attempt at making it stealthy I was so successful that I can't recall or even sense what this one does... It was early morning but omg. I know it's working because I see a "super nova" wearing a white dress and a black captain's hat with a silver star using a dagger to block some evil energy, but I just can't see what her principles are anymore. A success none the less.