Sunflower 09/23/2023 (Sat) 17:48 Id: 3e1480 No.4352 del
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>I also found these concrete walls on the human collective mind plane, created by CIA to make it impossible to break US law.
I have never encountered these and I found out why. This applies to dumb ass precedent law abiders and "country authorities". So if you are not in a USA cocksucking puppetstate then it's not really working against you...Which made me realize this affects 99% of the west who acknowledges the USA's
>rule's for thee but not for me
kind of international lawmaking ways. Damm. Being a glowie must be hard. Being made into the person who has to erect the walls of his own prison...then think he is better than the other prisoners because they didn't even build the walls. I mean this was the way gulags were built too but gulags were a punishment that you wanted to avoid no matter what and not a profession.

Just realized that I encountered these and they were masonic constructs but for me it looked like a burning building where people are killing each other and making sure no one puts out the fire because that is a "crime". What you wrote just made more sense suddenly