Sunflower 09/24/2023 (Sun) 15:02 Id: 7e4e8f No.4366 del
(878.73 KB 640x634 bird.gif)
Two days ago I had a dream scene where I met Trypper who was eating porridge (or something white which looked the same) at a table. The scene was semi-scary, there was something hard-to-describe evil over it. I don't know if this is related. I saw him having a "nasty" side which was half-half disciplined, and another side which was decent.

>Can BO confirm if I'm someone else?
The image I get is a yellow bird (original Jew).

>'Don't say that to Lilith
I experienced a deja vu when reading this, as if I had seen a scene in a dream where someone mentioned Lilith on an imageboard. There is some message behind this. I can't tell what, but glowies have been meddling this way a lot after they were barred from direct dream access.

May I suggest you try the "bodhi-bot" I just mentioned in the other thread? Both for stability and for testing your ability. If it works it should be possible for you to block these external messages and replace them with benevolence.