Sunflower 09/25/2023 (Mon) 22:05 Id: 0ba135 No.4378 del
>>4377 [Embed]

Wait, I didn't make that connection before. Freeway. I really like the violence in this one. Very primal.

Anyway. They're saying WW1 was meaningless, I see it as epic. The hopes and dreams of ordinary humans thrown in the mud and shown to be as worthless as they always were. The perfect manifestation of reality. 1000s of men dying to move the frontline 100 meters, it's such a perfect poetic image of the smallness of humans, the insignificance of their personal lives and actions. This feeling, that's what the World War is about. The reduction of life to what it actually is. Mud.

And in the process, greater beings can learn something about the movement of large groups. So the meaningless of one human turns into meaning when you throw 500 000 of them into one area, then their group dynamics can be studied, and then the meaningless lives suddenly have meaning. That is the beauty of it. [Embed]