Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 22:22 Id: 0ba135 No.4407 del
>Why the fuck the elites thinking that is something they can tarnish as a joke without repercussions
Birds did that. The past Earth "humans", rosicrucians. They were red to begin with but changed themselves into yellow like Big Bird. There aren't many of them, but they still remain because those who do are still strong souls. Original Jews, Rosicrucianism is the real Judaism. They hate everything because they entered a genetic dead end so they just want everyone to suffer.

It's one of my past life decisions to save them from themselves, that's one reason they keep appearing.

Israeli Jews are just, no idea what. Rocicrucian Jews are doing everything to destroy the west, but they don't destroy it because they hate liberalism, they support that shit. They are the creators of the globohomo. It's not meant to be good for anyone. They hate Russia for being successful, and they hate EU for being successful, they hate USA for being successful, etc.

The solution: make everyone gay and import niggers, and work with Farc to flood everywhere with cocaine.