Sunflower 09/29/2023 (Fri) 16:31 Id: ad6d0f No.4415 del
The idea came up to me on a whim, I assume from Trypper, and yes, install on Astra.

Don't care how I get the laptop.

I wasn't studying much at all, anyway. I value financial independence over mulling over books that don't stick in my mind (as is said in Arabic, 'goes from here [one ear], gets out from there [the other ear]), even in the event I put in effort.

I have some mild reservations about this, but it is easily overcome by the desire to achieve even a modicum of financial independence, and were I to spend what money I do get wisely, I can expect the financial independence to grow.

And yeah, financial independence is a bullshit word. Only a 4D or higher entity of certain achievement can truly be financially independent, but hopefully you get my gist.