Sunflower 09/30/2023 (Sat) 16:31 Id: 7e4e8f No.4433 del
My life path has been altered, as a result of me entering. I've had to realize this over time. There was a path for how it would have played out if I hadn't come into this body at 4 months of the body's age. Now it's just me left, the other souls have moved on. I would have done things differently, things that are of small importance to me, would have been major to that person. But I can't say "I" because it wouldn't have been me.

The place I call home now, would have been a place off to the side to visit only sometimes, and later sold. It would have been associated with vacation, a feeling I instead relate to a different place. And so on.

I would have worked with web design, but this is something of only mild interest to me. People still suggest to me that I should become a webmaster. The roles for that life path are too small for me, they can't contain me.

I assume it is the same for you. Original Trypper is an angel, right? Someone who came in directly from the astral. The person you are seeing is the human who would have lived your path if you hadn't entered, I think.