Sunflower 09/30/2023 (Sat) 16:37 Id: 7e4e8f No.4434 del
It doesn't really matter now. That old path without anyone coming in to cultivate would be in WW3 since years back. I don't know what would have happened but my guess is the coup in Ukraine in 2014 is a late transformation of events. I started seeing people being zombiefied already around 2009, for no apparent reason, meaning their souls being ripped away because their arranged path ended, but the physical body wasn't destroyed.

This indicates they would have died, if I hadn't been present and my stronger path blocking the changes. I mentioned this before, even the prime minister of my country would have been shot. It manifested as some prankster appearing with a water gun masked as a flower and discussion on the lack of security around him. But his souls still all left his body as if he had died.