Sunflower 10/01/2023 (Sun) 17:06 Id: ad6d0f No.4435 del
I see, thank you for this insight.

What have you been studying lately? Did you finish any courses? And what career pivots have you been undertaking?

I plan on getting a bachelor's degree in computer science from university of the people and then branch out into the technical side of marketing and, I suppose, mainly back-end programming. Some full-stack stuff when it comes to being a one-man team, if necessary (Kivy or Flutter frameworks, maybe). I already have my eyes on the Zig programming language; it will probably be my hobby programming language. I plan on being a freelancer, at least as a base.

In the short term, I'll study proofreading and get a job, but jobs seems really tough to come by where I'm at. I was advised to omit my MBBS if I were to look for jobs outside of medicine.

Also, my little brother is hellbent on moving to the US. My father wants to enroll him in a community college to take a bachelor's degree in event management, which seems to command a decent salary by Jordanian standards. Little bro seems to think that the US is great for work, and he wants to become a doctor.

The college has reviews that say it's a diploma mill, by little bro's account, so I advised little bro to just enroll in it to appease my father while taking a compsci degree from university of the people. The degree from uopeople would cost him a mere 3k dinars, and it's marketable in it's own right. But this advice seems to have gone over his head, citing that he can't hide things. I countered by saying that it's hiding a good thing, and that it's for his own benefit, but he replied with the same things he said earlier.