Sunflower 10/04/2023 (Wed) 18:38 Id: 0ba135 No.4449 del
I have some vague memory of this being mentioned, it seems to have surfaced (no pun intended) all over the place around that time. The Queen told us during a channelling that there are tunnels under Brazil, and that those would be discovered. That they are used for human sacrifice. That was an understatement, she only gives very small hints.

I dealt with one of those underground groups back around that time, it was hinted to me by others as well, back in 2016. I don't know where I got it from, but I knew what it meant when someone left a large barrel of live crayfish in a refrigerated room at work. It looked exactly like those feral humans crawling on each other down there. A coworker who was actually a walk-in succubus (but this is another story) commented
>Why do we have those, that's super creepy?
And from her mind I caught on that she also meant those in the underground, because the crayfish appeared there as a representation of them, and her being from the astral didn't see the conceptual difference between the object and what it represented.

I've mentioned this before here I think. [Embed]

The album this is from, is about this stuff.

It mentions
thrown to the pit

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