Sunflower 10/04/2023 (Wed) 21:11 Id: 7e4e8f No.4457 del
(91.76 KB 291x199 destroy urself.png)
The problem is that it felt to me like there was a certain "attitude" coming from the Zig language. Maybe if they are a counter-tranny group they'll just be the opposite of them, and have other strict and weird rules? Such as how some people get mad if you leave a blank line in your post on an imageboard to make it easier to read, because they think "white people only press Enter once", creating a huge wall of text. Or something.

I just don't want any of that to be included. Besides I don't see this Zig being used for much, and that's the main reason, it's the same as you (Trypper) previous talk about learning Esperanto as a hobby. You can do what you want of course, but why pick something useless? That's just redundance in itself.

What if you were to learn Zig and then post on some forum to ask questions or socialize, and you get hostile reactions because you said something that wasn't "white" enough?

>get out of here, don't taint our community you tranny
>go back to Rust

Maybe that will happen? Programmer politics, meh.