Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 22:57 Id: 6b03b1 No.4482 del
>If that whole fiasco with hyena's means what i think it means
Yupp it means it. Companies will get less money for making gayfaggot shit. It doesn't mean it will disappear but it will decrease. It's hard to keep being retarded when you are not getting paid for it.

>feels like im just studying people
You actually do that.
I also got addicted to 4chan because of it in the beginning. Tho for me it was a sort of
>I don't understand why people do this so I must FIGURE IT OUT because not understanding something bothers me
Like I watched My Little Pony to understand how it can generate this much porn and autism. Like fucking tulpamancy got popular because of those retards. A fucking plastictoy company created those high level spergs. And why? Moe anime was less mainstream back then and that fucking franchise contained that feeling. A refreshing way horses interact because those fucks had no "warm" human interaction and most importantly it managed to have an understanding of magic and how higher and lower classes get along and humans crave that subconsciously. And even more importantly they were in horse form so all that hostility the "grown up" audience felt towards humans by default was not there so they could connect to cartoon plastic equines. And because they had no healthy way for sexual maturity by having proper contact with humans it evolved into more and more degeneracy. It's also my weird habit that getting into things that bother me because I consider it a "weakness" when I don't understand something. Like furries just degenerates who embraced their animalistic part as their "persona" but bronies were a different symptom of our degrading society. But that era is over. No one gives shit about them anymore. /mlp/ got sfw so the degenerates had to escape to discord and die from obscurity. Damm. I just realized discord did something good for once