Sunflower 10/15/2023 (Sun) 16:57 Id: 9e95d5 No.4583 del
The communists were the bad guys during the cold war era, refining oppressive practices. But the CIA lead faction learned from them with things like
during which they became worse than the USSR. Few noticed the change taking place. The Queen (Sepheranz) directly told us that this was when the shift took place. When the Soviet Union collapsed, the USA had already taken over their role as the real threat to the world.

Today, progressive policies like the fake climate change are all the creations of CIA, according to the Queen. They've spread things that are so insane, like the trans agenda and the vaccines, that the Soviet Union under Stalin seems like the good guys in comparison. Modern China today is more conservative than the west.

The Islamic world had communist movements, but they were always conservative. This congregation of states like Russia, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Qatar, they've come to represent the sane voice in a very insane world. The federation will channel their force through them. This is how things work with them. They find situations when their policies are the better ones, before they go all in.

What we know as communism is only the negative side, but the federation doesn't care about this, organizationally, any person with a general "communist thinking" can be used as a channel, it's doesn't matter if it's the bad version of communism.