Sunflower 10/15/2023 (Sun) 18:41 Id: 3e1480 No.4585 del
That was (((their))) plan. The USA served it's purpose and now they thought it is time to jump back into the Eurasian continent because there is no power that could oppose them anymore. They thought it will be easy. The main idea was how every commie country purged it's intellectuals and now they only have work ants and easy to purge undesirables and going there with money and technology they could overtake the whole place within a decade. It worked until they showed that they will bring all their degeneracy with them and they literally proved every communist propaganda that was warning the people about the "eroding west" was real. Especially now. They made it real. Back then everyone knew the propaganda was a lie because everyone knew someone who had connection beyond the iron curtain. People fled to the USA Canada West Germany or some nordic state and there were ways where you could meet your relatives.
What is the current state of these countries? Absolute globohomo degeneracy. The 2nd world knows that the prosperity that was promised is not just unattainable by trusting the west but they see how the "Mighty has fallen" and fighting these kind of retards is not as impossible as everyone thought.
(((They)))) set stage but it started to crumble the moment someone stepped on it. They literally fell for the USA meme that all they have to do is throw money at the problem and it will work out. Shame they are making people lose all their trust in money... government... banks... media... science... or any kind of authority they are supposed to control.
>haha dem masses are so stoopid am so smurt overtaking them EZ
then they degrade people to work on pure instinct and get surprised how they cannot be brainwashed further
The funny thing this happened because they misunderstood what made the USSR function and what made it fall. But then again the game is still going and the line where it will be decided who was the good/bad or winner/loser is not exactly visible yet. Not to mention this is not a race. But a process that needs to be understood.