Sunflower 10/17/2023 (Tue) 21:54 Id: 6b03b1 No.4598 del
First I was thinking this might be related to the world stage because the dove (peace) and how globohomo and everyone is scaring people with le nukes for a while but this is not about that.
Had to turn on my energy/symbol analyzer because something felt off.
First I thought it was some part of you that got injured but then I remembered.
>human sister more or less got murdered
That dove might be your memory about her
>saying a lot of the wall trash
I don't know what you mean by wall trash or what blackpill you got there and I don't know what the hostilities represented exactly because the way you wrote them down are too vague and I cannot pick up the origin of it but
>the man is completely powerless and will get nuked himself instead
This means the problem will solve itself. I don't know if it's THE MAN aka the government or any perceived big bad guy or a specific persons manifestations but the only thing that is really important is that.
>the village

With that you established your connection to a place where you can develop which is unaffected by outside forces. Be the forces be material or anything else. Slowly you will have to learn to interact with the village. You might learn more things about your nature there.

Also the fact that you challenged the "teacher" might mean something. It's not just you are willing to take a stand but now you will have ways to combat issues you are able to combat now that you couldn't combat back then.

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