Sunflower 10/23/2023 (Mon) 17:24 Id: 9fb712 No.4686 del
An update:

I've been learning Esperanto in earnest and am surprised at how much I can understand at this juncture. It's not much, but it's way better than I expected. For example, I can understand "porkido estas infana porko" without having to refer to a dictionary, which means "A piglet is a young pig." I'll settle down with achieving fluency in this language and then learn at least another one, to benefit from the propadeutic effect of learning Esperanto.

I'm still not working. The work involves working as a waiter in a nearby three-star hotel. The photos show a poor exterior but a decent interior. I plan on stating that the pros of me taking on this position are that I live nearby (thus making me taking on shifts, even if erratic, that much easier) and that I am a native Anglophone.

Tying into this is the prospects of further professional development in this domain. There's a chance I might settle for a MicroMasters program in Software Engineering hosted by edX and then go for a MBA, because a BSCS from University of the People, which is a 'tuition-free' university, typically takes four years, but a MBA from the same university has an admission requirement that I work full-time for a minimum of two years. This is a worthwhile compromise in my opinion if it means the MBA would help me advance into management in the hotel.

I would love to hear your feedback.