Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 19:23 Id: 6b03b1 No.4752 del
>Think again
Yeah I forgot that Ukrainians were conditioned to be absolute meatshield slaves since the soviet era and they are able to use that tactic on the population still...

I was in the WW1 mindset and not in the Ukrainians are worthless mindless meatshields if they are still stupid enough to be in that country thinking...
For some reason I still think there might be humans there and not just empty shells

Wanted to write how these absolute lower class people are being herded in that state and why that is just making things worse for EVERYONE it's crazy.
>soviet union collapses and let them "go" if they promise to remain neutral
>USA niggers realize that these serviles don't have a master and they are THE CHEAPEST TO BUY
>also they can use them to build a forward base in the border's of Russia and taking them out from the middle east geopolitics game
then people go OMG HOW COULD THE RUSSIANS BE SO BARBARIC FOR NOT LETTING A LITERAL MAFIA STATE (that has untouchable western ties so even if you catch all the "grunts" they will just buy more) DO WHATEVER THEY PLEASE

Imagine if China bought up entire Mexico
and no am not talking about how Chinks took over Canada because that is not the same. Chinks didn't set up illegal labs and made sure the USA cannot reach Alaska anymore
This whole "game" is so retarded it's unbelievable

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