Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 20:31 Id: 6b03b1 No.4783 del
>You know what that ending implies, right...?
pic related and that Meiling will sleep less on the job

Also your ripper past is a mystery I didn't really look into because I got aware several times that our thinking processes are too different and looking into you just attracts a bunch of weirdo entities I am not even sure you are aware of. So I usually limit my abilities to look into stuff you post and figure out their workings and not your life paths because... they are confusing. And it just reminds me that I should sort out my own messes instead if I want to face this level of confusion
Not to mention even Fate had Jack the loli and now in Strange Fake we have an another "egregore jack" that can take any form because he is just the rumors and not the real thing and his wish is to find his "real self" because his real self killed him in the end and he wants to reconnect to it. So if Fate is on this level already then what level is the "real thing" on?

There are too many "type" of jews it's crazy. I get less sure what is a jew as I go on. Especially energetically. I think on this board we only talked about the bird jews the reptilians that live as jews (never understood why) and vampire magic kabbalist jews. I encountered weird "jew shades" but their wish is just to "burn clean" in the light. There are ways it can be "granted".

>just "make sounds which imitate humans speech
Oh there are many entities like that. Funny guys. Shame I have a kill on sight if your "sentience" is not apparent policy. They get the message quick.

>which was shit i was already aware to begin with
Sounds like you are going through a trauma.

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