Sunflower 10/31/2023 (Tue) 01:06 Id: 6fbceb No.4828 del
The human brain is the illusion device. It is like a screen which only shows images in a certain resolution no matter what input it gets, but in this case, everything you experience will be in the resolution of 3D molecular reality of the currently accepted type. It is implied that reality is created by the soul's interaction with the brain alone, everything else is spirit to spirit telepathy. The brain explains this by logic such as "I touch the other person with my hand and we both feel it", but in reality this is an illusion image created by the brain to explain the telepathic touch.

This is why spirit interaction with non physical beings is as real and feels as real to those who manage to separate the brain's illusion from their understanding of what is real.

You are allowed to bring your flying broom in already, but if you "fly on the broom" the experience will be the same as if travelling in a car or on a bike. You will not experience flying, because the current "patch for the human 3D experience" does not include flying travel of this kind. It's boring so we will fix it soon, but it requires re-writing the physical 3D understanding which humans have used for many years. The human brain is slow to adapt and would turn too insane if we suddenly changed it, it needs to believe that flying brooms are "scientific" first.

It's a lot more simply than this post makes it out to be.

- Yokai